Jeeps are rugged, powerful vehicles, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t require maintenance. If you want your Jeep to fire on all cylinders, you need to maintain it. Let’s go over some of the top reasons Jeep maintenance is essential. Then, stick to a schedule so you can get... [read more]
Did you know that your car’s tires impact fuel efficiency, safety, braking, and handling? Plus, your tires help you stay comfortable on the road. Because tires are so important, you need to follow some tips to keep them in tip-top shape. Check out six tips for keeping your tires healthy.
1. ... [read more]
You don’t have to spend much time on the road to end up with a car covered in bugs. Bugs are more than an eyesore. If you don’t clean them off, they can permanently damage the paint. Fortunately, you can protect your paint and keep your car looking its best... [read more]
You might be one of the many who learned about jump-starting the hard way. You went out to your car, maybe already thinking about your destination. But when you turned the key, the lights flickered — and then nothing. There are a lot of reasons why cars won’t start, but... [read more]
Your vehicle is designed to last for years as long as you perform the necessary maintenance. Undoubtedly, proper vehicle maintenance helps your car run efficiently and at optimal performance. While you will need to take your vehicle to a mechanic from time to time, you can perform many of the... [read more]
The weather is warming up in Decatur, and before long, it will be in the high '80s or '90s. While that weather is ideal for spending time outside, it can heat your parked car instantly. Then, when you slide behind the wheel, you can scorch your skin. Fortunately, it’s easy... [read more]
Finding an SUV that checks off every box on your list for a new vehicle can be hard. The Jeep Compass will not disappoint and we are sure you will be able to cross off each box as soon as you get behind the wheel of this desirable crossover. Let’s... [read more]
The Dodge RAM 1500 is not your average pickup truck. The luxury-grade interior, high-end quality, great performance, and innovative features will exceed every expectation you had for this vehicle. Keep reading to see how this truck would make the perfect match for you!
What to Expect
2021 bought new features for the... [read more]
If you’re ready for something new in your life, it may be time for you to find a new ride. After all, you need to upgrade your vehicle every once in a while. But if you’re looking for a new set of wheels, it may be difficult to make a... [read more]
Everyone loves to talk about how they wish they could design their car exactly to their specifications. Well now is the time to do just that with a Jeep Compass! What could be better than designing your Jeep exactly how you want it? There’s no catch to this, you can... [read more]